So what is Just Cricket?

Just Cricket is a grass roots awareness initiative created by a passionate cricketer called Amit Ohri. Amit wants to create a platform that enables anyone and everyone regardless of race, religion, gender, age, colour to participate in the sport.

His personal belief is that Cricket can bring us as a society together not just on the field but also off it. Living in a country like Canada, one of the world’s most ethnically diverse countries is a good place to start. He doesn’t believe in politics or money that easily influences and brings harm to this or any other sport. Sport is not for personal gain but it’s for your own personal and also a team’s development. That’s why we have sport and those who take advantage of profiting from it for their own personal gains, he feels bring more harm to the sport than good.

It is therefore his personal request that we as a society must start to do the right things in order to protect what was created for the good of society as whole.

It only takes one person to start the awareness by giving back to society what Cricket gave to him. He is positive that as more and more people start to realize his efforts being genuine then in years to come Cricket and perhaps other sports will also benefit. Time will have to tell but efforts will be continuous from here-on-in.

Thank you,

Amit from Just Cricket

Welcome to Just Cricket!

Hi all,

Firstly, thank you for visiting my initial blog site, Just Cricket. As I continue on my new venture guiding and teaching others about Cricket, I am sure this attempt will turn into a full website. For now, I think I have the basics covered. I hope I’ll be able to help as many of you as I can but you’ll definitely need to rely on yourself to practice as much as you can without me.

I look forward to working with those just as passionate as I am.

